Hello, I'm

Leah Fox

Aspiring Web Developer

About Me

Leah Fox is currently a student at a local community college. While pursuing an Associate in Art degree, Leah has found her creative passion, and wants to make a career change because of that. She has a background in retail and customer service, but is looking to make a career out of her true passion, which is creating in any way she can. Through many trials, Leah stays determined on her long term goals. Below are some of the current projects she has completed through the University of Central Florida bootcamp for coding. Click the photo for access to the completed webpage. To follow up with Leah, please follow the links below.


RunBuddy (HTML/CSS)

This challenge was made to help runners find the perfect trainer. Fill out the communication form to be matched with your needs.

Click here to see the project!
WorkDay Scheduler(HTML/CSS/JS)

This application was made to help keep your day to day tasks organized. You are able to write, save and delete new tasks.

Click here to see the project!
goRecette(Group Project 1)

We decided on a recipe application. You type in a food ingredient, and a list of generated recipes will appear

Click here to see the project!

This application was made for a place to share thoughts. With this blog, you can add a post, and edit that post. You can also comment and respond to other users of this application.

Click here to see the project!
NoteTaker Application

This note taker application is another app to help you stay organized. You can add, and delete and create new notes throughout your day.

Click here to see the project!
SafeSpot (GroupProject2)

This application was build around the purpose of community. Always ensuring users that this is a safe spot for them to share any and all thoughts.

Click here to see the project!